The New wave of Self Destruction : Creating Terror and Beyond


Conflict and the need for a clash with "Others" has been the defining moments of civilizations. The creation of "Others" as distinct from self  seems to be the one common denominator across ages. Samuel Huntington at the end of the cold war aptly predicted the Clash of civilizations as another mode of self destruction .

The colonial atrocities consecutively ran along with the self inflicted wars to showcase superiority of race and then culminated into what came to be known as the cold war .By the end of the cold war the seeds of the next clash in the name of religion had already been sown, once again. The madness of  the cold war prompted the western Christian powers to prepare Islam as the last front for the annihilation of the communists. The western mindset of being logical and pragmatic in attainment of ends ,at least in hindsight, can be best described as shortsighted and perhaps suicidal in the rush to attain and dominate the world order. The support to Islamic fundamentalism to fight communist dominance and at the same time ensuring the indirect ownership of natural resources is typical of the myopia which pragmatism brews in the logically superior but morally corrupt rulers of the victorious states. 

Mortar attack on Shigal Tarna garrison, Kunar Province, 87.jpgThe creation of  Bhasmasur in the form of Pop Islam (as per Hindu Mythology Bhasmasur was a creation blessed by the Gods and who later turned against its own benefactor) to fight against a common enemy which were the godless communist non believers was a master stroke. The propagation or at least stirring the need for martyrdom in the name of Jihad against the non believers must have led to applauds to the wisdom of the strategists in the capitals of the western democracies of safeguarding their own interest at the cost of humanity thousands of miles away.The misjudged self assurance that this created monster would be a controllable destructive element only working against the enemies of "their" way of life or perhaps self destruct on its own can at best be described as arrogance of the victors sitting in fortified havens with their single minded focus on a short term objective at the cost of the immense long term damage to humanity. 

The weapon of destruction helped end the cold-war with the defeat of the Soviets in Afghanistan by a motley group of tribal warlords supported by stinger missiles and dollars . Unfortunately the spilled blood of the communists instead of satiating the thirst led to a higher appetite for bloodshed unleashing terror across the globe. Instead of course correction the victors blundered from one mistake to another. Supporting despots with idiotic notions of governance became the smart way to control resources at the cost of millions of innocent men and women. The proponents of democracy built their their own oasis of humanity on the blood , gore and cries of the millions in faraway lands  assuming they would be untouched and remain puppet masters while hypocritically giving discourses on liberal and democratic ideas. 

The present generation of mankind was bestowed upon another method to self destruct by our forefathers in their malignant arrogance following success and victory. 

The great game which the pragmatic and developed nation states continue playing place the innocent men and women as mere sacrificial pawns or statistics in collateral damage. This comfort is now frequently threatened by the killing machines which they helped create. 

Image result for 9/11The cries of the thousand of victims of 9/11 considered an attack on humankind scored over the inaudible pain of the millions who are maimed , killed and resigned to the threat imposed by the Jihadists and their supporters. The diversion provided by the publicized heroic deeds in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden and his likes, who interestingly had become irrelevant among the Jihadists themselves,  helped these nation states continue with the same irreverence to the pains of those not empowered to make the same hue and cry and the business of death continues unabated.

The Islamic Terror as the west rationalized as the "Others" remain a narrative which the decision makers and those with powers to push buttons for Drone strikes continue selling their own countrymen in an Orwellian fashion. The implanted fear which is so important to maintain the hold on power led to Islamophobia turning the two Abrahamic religions once again against each other at a scale much grander than the crusade years. The weapon of fear seeped and now feeds not only the predominant Christian west but has now been reaped extensively by the power brokers in the Buddhists and Hindu dominated countries against Islam to ensure hold on power.

The  fringe which was brainwashed to attain martyrdom and kill non believers has attained the status of one of most important variables determining the world order. The mishandling,  shortsightedness and lack of understanding of the mindset of an alien culture and weaponizing a group of people whose only solace was in the possibility of attaining a better life post death owing to the impossibility of aspirations of a better life brought together a group strong enough to disrupt daily lives across the globe in their common goal towards converting the Jahilliyah lands to a Land of believers in the footsteps of the Prophet. The fanatics were put on pedestals as heroes and leaders further reinforcing the Frankenstein and promoting fatalistic mindsets. The new found richness from Oil and faith in Wahabbism, Sallafism etc.  became the instruments which the west exploited with impunity not realizing that it is never a good idea to fan a fire even if it is outside the house.   

The interpretation of The Book written in a language presently spoken by about 400 million  out of 7000 million people some 1400 years ago  under circumstances and context so different from today became a guiding force interpreted and understood differently to justify present day actions. Ironic as it may seem , this forced interpretation and implementation came, partly if not totally, as a consequence of the actions of the same powers who at present play victim.

It is not to say that Islam can play a victim card of being exploited as many of its apologists seem to suggest . There are many sects within Islam who have notions of life and way of living, far beyond any rational thought. The west is not to blame for the already existing  malaise which exists and is open to getting exploited. The "Taquiya" which according to Shias is an acceptable religion sanctioned form of  camouflage is not as innocent as it sounds and down the ages , the concept which arose during Mohammad's time to protect oneself from prosecution has seen aberrations and reinterpretations to suit the need for cunning. The Jihad interpreted by the moderate scholars as Greater Jihad which is the fight against internal evils and lesser Jihad which is confrontational is not a message ingrained in most of the Madarsas and many of the Mosques spewing hatred against the non believers. The concept of Martyrdom so ingrained in the Muslims make life so much less appreciated.

Image result for JihadImage result for crusadesThe Abrahamic religions quest for increasing membership with the help of sword has been a classic fallacy and beyond humanity. A god who is almighty and who has created everything including the non believers or non Christians or non Muslims suddenly found a support base in the form of rabid crowd of crusaders and jihadists who have graduated to the use of different coercive measures in the past and present centuries and intent on destroying the very creation which He is supposed to have created.The Billions of people, before the Prophets decided to enlighten the world with new Gods, suddenly became painted as Godless or children of lesser Gods. Unfortunately this feeling is not limited to only the Jihadists but a large majority of the Islamic world.

Image result for Taliban atrocitiesImage resultThe rise of Islam in Arabia did not even leave one of the People of the Book - the Jews untouched. While being allowed to practice their religion as per the Pact of Umar, the Jews (Dhimmis) were relegated to an inferior status and the present conflict with Israel if not totally at least partly is owing to the sudden assertion of the Dhimis against the Pure. Not to say that the Byzantime Christian Empire was any ways better to Jews. The point is both the Abrahamic religions could not live in peace with their own brethren who shared a cultural and geographical affinity and hence shared various commonalities. The poison of superiority so ingrained in these religions, from a localized Arabic Problem, has now engulfed the whole globe. Being the newest religion probably the maturity in understanding and contextualizing will come with time as to some extent happened in the case of Christianity and Judaism specially after relative affluence changed priorities , but until then the scourge of fanaticism will continue burning millions in its frenzy of being superior. 

Image result for chop chop squareAs per various researches carried out by Pew Research centre ( muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/), the complex of superiority and intent of bringing everyone under Sharia and Islamic laws and convert everyone to follow the supposedly one and only truth is a belief and want shared by many and not a minority alone.

This may be debated and apologists have been heard of giving examples of non Arabic Muslim countries (Indonesia, India etc.) as a counter to the narrative of being expansionists and as examples of living in peace. This again is a subject which needs closer scrutiny and taken with a pinch of salt.  

There is no immediate solution in sight as the phenomenon of the Islamic Terror is still in its growing phase with no signs of becoming weak and further fed by the mishandling of situations across the globe. The sins of our fathers have visited us in its full wrath and the voice of the majority like always remains subdued and resigned to the fate determined by the gun wielding minority.

The topic on whether Islam is a religion of peace is one of the hottest debates among the TV studios with their own versions and pronunciations of Quran and its interpretations by highly articulate intellectuals.The missionary zeal with which these discussions happen point once again to the complete lack of understanding of the realities and further help feed and strengthen the very ideology which these discourses want to curb . The innocent men and women belonging to the second largest religion with close to 2 billion followers have been painted in a single stroke of evil incarnate pushing them into a crisis of identity which in many cases has asserted itself by feeding the parasitic and self destructive zealots desire to fulfill the demands of the Book. 

The cultural differences to a western mind despite of discourses on pluralism and multiculturalism is an alien concept.The simplistic version of life which is expected to be in Black and White as is ingrained in the single minded pursuit of wealth and affluence is sadly not acknowledged as a weakness but a strength of the west. Unfortunately 7 billion people despite of the intent of the Big Brother (1984-George Orwell)cannot be compartmentalized in black and white. 

The xenophobia which western forefathers helped create among the erstwhile colonies and territories by sucking the essence of exotic civilizations both in material and intellectual senses have come a full circle.The debates on whether Islam is a religion of peace is a non starter as none of the Abrahamic religions have ever been the religions of peace and it is ridiculous to see a predominant christian west pointing fingers to their brethren from another prophet from the same geography. The selective amnesia which is so much more prominent among those enjoying the fruits of affluence and have the most to loose would have been immensely entertaining if not for the seriousness of the crimes which continues to be committed. Unlike the previous eras when sanity returned post the self destruction attempts, this time the reboot button seems to have been lost. 

The salvation probably will come from the silent majority who have been subject to scrutiny and humiliation and have still maintained their sanity. However the clock is ticking and if this silent majority decides to side with the violent minority as has been cases in most of the Oil rich Muslim dominated countries , the day is may be only a generation away when the western ways of living will lie waste.
Image result for sarve santu niramaya
As a Hindu in a thankfully majority Hindu land in an era far removed from the Islamic Invasions and Colonial and missionary exploitation, lets forgive but not forget the immense damage the Abrahamic religions have perpetrated in the country . The Country and religion has its share of weaknesses and Orthodoxy but at no time has ever exerted itself as the Only truth  . The Gods have been questioned in the land of Seekers who are not blind followers but have been empowered to question and debate maintaining a level of spirituality far above the followers of single Prophets.  As one of the oldest civilizations the onus of maintaining sanity and patience lies with us which perhaps is getting stretched and exploited by the fear mongering crowds intent on breaking down the balance so much required for peace.   


R said…
Beautifully articulated. Informative and insightful.
Gaurav Singh said…

Dear Gaurav Singh
We regret to inform you that we are unable to publish your post titled 'The New wave of Self Destruction : Creating Terror and Beyond' as it did not meet our readers’ blog publishing guidelines.

I take it as a compliment and reiteration of how we are in self destruction mode by not wanting to see what is visible and wishing away ugliness ..

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