
Showing posts from April, 2018

The New wave of Self Destruction : Creating Terror and Beyond

WEST AND ISLAM : SEPARATED WITH MALICE Conflict and the need for a clash with "Others" has been the defining moments of civilizations. The creation of "Others" as distinct from self  seems to be the one common denominator across ages. Samuel Huntington at the end of the cold war aptly predicted the Clash of civilizations as another mode of self destruction . The colonial atrocities consecutively ran along with the self inflicted wars to showcase superiority of race and then culminated into what came to be known as the cold war .By the end of the cold war the seeds of the next clash in the name of religion had already been sown, once again. The madness of  the cold war prompted the western Christian powers to prepare Islam as the last front for the annihilation of the communists. The western mindset of being logical and pragmatic in attainment of ends ,at least in hindsight, can be best described as shortsighted and perhaps suicidal in the rush to attain a...