NITISH VS MODI : Its Just Politics Stupid

The onslaught of elections is most visible in the sudden appetite or lack of appetite among the secularists of the country. Old alliances suddenly become a liability or an opportunity depending upon the number of CBI Cases pending and the calculations of the psephologists. The same is given the name of political shrewdness and Nitish Kumar’s sudden onslaught on an almost decade old partnership will be defended or defamed based on which side of the fence one is sitting on. 

What is wrong with Modi : For one the “twiterrati” has named him "Feku" very crudely translated which means a person who Boasts about achievements which are not his doing. Another is the set of secular leaders who accuse him of being communal. Yet another is the proclamation of the strongest dynasty of Him being the Maut ka Saudagar (Merchant of death).

Does one hear anything about Mis-governance, Corruption, Nepotism, Inefficiencies, Red- tapism. The answer to a reasonable degree is a strong No. But this qualification has seldom been appreciated as qualities of a palatable leader in a country where Religion and Caste dominate the political landscape. One hears of minority appeasement which is renamed as affirmative action while majority appeasement both intentional and unintentional takes the blame of being communal, feudal, and patriarchal. Modi has been blamed of appeasing the majority which perhaps resulted in his overwhelming political clout in his state. His electoral victory is given the name of failure of democracy and indirectly hints at the failure of the people of Gujarat. At the same time the electoral success of a government engrossed in corruption, weak leadership, and sycophancy is appreciated as the people’s verdict. The double standards in interpreting the electoral victory are blatantly visible in the Modi victory vs. UPA victory and will continue till the end of his political career.

The Blot of the 2002 riot remains and will continue hindering the prospects of Modi as being accepted as a leader who can maintain the harmony in the system.

On the other hand is Nitish Kumar who has steered a state out of oblivion and despair to a reasonable degree of visibility and development. The work in progress status helps him showcase a statistically significant growth and improvement in law and order which has been rightly appreciated, add to that a more or less religious riot free status. The inclusive development slogan, a plank on which Nitish has been able to maintain his position, is a conflict free political one upmanship which is in sharp contrast to the very basis on which the BJP had become relevant. The alliance between the two is akin to alliance of fire and water and this impossible feat was achieved during elections in Bihar from the now reluctant Nitish Kumar redefining the opportunistic and visionary abilities of our political class.

In the mêlée resonance has been created among the voter which perhaps is the sure - shot formula for victory. The fight has turned into the good vs. evil and the media and the intellectual crowd is having a field day. The further weakening of the opposition parties is a classic divide and rule with which we Indians have been historically infested. Perhaps identifying the looser among the two is problematic but there is no confusion as to who the winner will be and rest assured she/he will not be among the mentioned two.


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