
Showing posts from February, 2015

Appraisals - Whose GPain is it ?

Every year millions of employees are appraised on the basis of “performance” and their leadership skills to enable them to plan whether their new holiday destination will be within the geographical confines of their dwellings or if they can go ahead with the new I- phone available in the market or whether their child will attend the latest fad of living skills. One common thread which binds all appraisee is the wide eyed astonishment visible on their faces on the new weapons which the HR manager, through the appraiser, launches year after year to significantly downgrade his/her future plans. In the industry doing your routine job even if done as per requirement does not necessarily mean winning the hearts of the Janus faced appraiser. Reaching your objectives “imposed upon” with mutual understanding is just not enough. One has to walk the extra mile. On raising questions as to what is the distance one has to cover to walk the extra mile the repartee  would be “th...